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学院人才培养富有特色。学院治学态度严谨、学习氛围良好, 优秀人才辈出,每年都吸引了众多考生前来深造,同时也培养包括中国银行董事长肖钢、中国银联总裁许罗德、深圳证券交易所副总裁黄铁军等一大批业界精英。目前,学院在读本科生1450余人、硕士研究生500余人、博士研究生80余人、在站博士后人员6人、各类专业学位研究生200余人,是国内高校中金融与统计专业人才培养的重要基地之一。自1965年以来已培养各层次金融与统计人才10000余人。被誉为中国金融人才培养的“黄埔军校”。

About Us

College of Finance and Statistics, Hunan University, situated at the foot of the picturesque Yuelu Mountain is a time-honored key university in China originating from the Yuelu Academy founded in 976 A.D. For more than one thousand years, academic and educational activities have kept uninterrupted here, thus known as the “One-thousand-year-old institution” in China. In 2000, Hunan University and Hunan College of Finance and Economics merged to form a new Hunan University. Now as a comprehensive and well-coordinated key university in China directly affiliated with the Ministry of Education, Hunan University is a 211 Projects and 985 University in China The College of Finance and Statistics, one of the most vigorous colleges in the university with its own characteristics, has the first provincial discipline of Finance approved by the People’s Bank of China, , which is among the first key disciplines of its kind included in the Province’s “tenth five-year plan” and the State’s “211 project”. It is authorized to confer Ph.D. degree in Finance and offer bachelor programs and master programs. Over 10,000 students of various degrees have graduated from the college since 1965.

The College of Finance and Statistics has five departments: Department of Monetary Finance, Department of Applied Finance, Department of Insurance, Department of Financial Engineering and Department of Statistics. Meanwhile, it has two provincial research centers, one international research center, eleven crossing-field research centers and three laboratories. The college has four undergraduate programs (finance, financial engineering, insurance and statistics), five research master programs (finance, financial engineering, statistics, econometrics, and national economics), five taught master programs (finance, applied statistics, insurance, MBA concentrated on finance and computational finance), two PhD programs (applied economics and statistics) and two post doctor programs (applied economics and statistics). The college has one national teaching group, one national special program, three national modules, two two linguistic finance module, and one national lecturer.

Currently we have 500 master students, 80 doctoral students, and 6 post doctor researchers. Their research focuses on five fields, such as financial security and adjustment, financial management and financial engineering, international finance and comparative finance, capital market and corporate finance, risk management and actual science.

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